Motorized Barley Crusher - Larger and More Pictures

I eventually changed to all grain brewing (well okay after 2 batches) because I wasn't close to happy with the quality of my extract beers to that point. Shortly after doing so I began buying malt in large 50-55 pound sacks. The nearest homebrew store is and hour and a half or more away. I needed my own mill. After doing some research I decided to bet a Barley Crusher MaltMill. I also really liked the looks of CrankandStein products but thought they were too much and would be overkill. I also liked the barley crusher was ready to sit on a bucket out of the box and could be crank or drill driven. After a few batches of beers with large grain bills I decided I was tired of the sore shoulder the next day or my cordless drill not being charged or running dead during milling. I needed a motor. Plus gadgets are fun.

I decided on the "Beefy Bodine" motor from American Science Surplus. Its was already geared for the right speed so I could direct drive it and not need to use pulleys. If I used pulleys I'd want to enclose them for safety and the less wood working I had to do the better. Using a table design where a bucket could sit underneath to catch the grist would be the idea design to me. However apartment dwelling might always be a necessity for me so I decided to mount it on a board to keep it portable and easily storable.

The pictures will mostly speak for themselves. I bought a cheap piece of pine board from the hardware store and used that as the base. Some 90 degree brackets were attached to the motor and board to hold it in place. This requires about a 2" lift to the mill off the board which I cut out of 4 other pieces of wood. A one-way switch provides on/off control, a 2-way switch allows forward/reverse control. The cord is wrapped around 2 bike hangers. The motor seems heavy enough to hold the assembly on a table while milling. If not a c-clamp will probably work well to help hold it down.

motor end
A wiring diagram can be found at thanks to Walt (see Lama Brewery in Links). When not in use the assembly sits conveniently on top of my equipment rack.

mill stored

Cost Breakdown

Part Price Quantity Supplier Part Number
Barley Crusher MaltMill 7# Capacity 105.00 1 BarleyCrusher N/A
Beefy Bodine 1/3HP 180RPM Motor 29.50 1 American Science and Surplus 34580
45 MFD 370 VAC Run Capacitor 5.99 1 Surplus Center 221203
3/8" L-050 Lovejoy Half 2.19 1 Surplus Center 1-1228
5/8" L-050 Lovejoy Half 2.19 1 Surplus Center 1-1230
Buna-n Insert for L-050 Lovejoy Coupling 1.40 1 Surplus Center 1-1231
Bike Hanger 1.10 2 Ace Hardware N/A
Electrical Box .82 1 WalMart N/A
Switch Plate .50 1 WalMart N/A
1-way switch .70 1 WalMart N/A
3-way switch 1.10 1 WalMart N/A
25' 16ga outdoor extension cord 4.20 1 WalMart N/A
Misc. Nuts/Bolts/Brackets/Wood 4.00 1 Ace Hardware N/A
Pre Shipping Total: 159.79
Shipping/Taxes Charges: 37.43
Grand Total: 197.22

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